Monday, 20 August 2012

Apivita Express Beauty with Pink Clay Mask

Apivita is one of the brands now stocked by the glossy new beauty hall at Marks and Spencer and a brand that I've heard a lot of good things about so I was very eager to try out one of their products.
I decided to have a browse on the M&S website and brought this face mask without any hesitation and couldn't wait for it to arrive!

 I really thought I'd love this product because I usually love clay masks for my acne prone, pore clogged skin and I really wanted to like it but I just can't! It does have a lot of things going for it; the packaging, for example, is very attractive and what I love is that it comes in a pack of two sachets which is great if you don't want to buy a whole tube incase you don't get on with it. Another thing that I can't fault is the way that it made my skin feel so soft and smooth for the rest of the day after I'd washed it off, which is definitely a property that you want from a face mask. 

You may be wondering then why, despite these pros, I still don't like it? Well it purely comes down to one single thing...the smell. The thought of relaxing in a bath with a rose scented clay mask on my face sounded like pure heaven but dear god if heaven smells like this I think I'll give it a miss! Yes it does smell of Rose but not the lovely fresh, delicate scent which is oh so appealing, instead the smell is so heady and overwhelming that it's hard to focus on anything other than trying not to breath in the scent, let alone being able to actually relax with it on. In fact it smells just like when you walk into an incense shop and you're overwhelmed with all the different, incredibly strong smells around you. Now of course if you like the smell of incense shops then you'll probably love it but it's just far too strong for me for something that I'm going to leave on my face for 5-10 minutes. There is also one other down side and that is that the clay doesn't really harden at all which of course doesn't mean that it's not doing anything but when I use a clay mask I like to fell it tightening on my skin, a strange sensation but one that I find strangely appealing. 

This is the only product from Apivita that I've tried and although it didn't work out for me this time, I would still be interested to try some of the other products in their range, maybe something that smells slightly fresher and with less of a suffocating air to it!

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